Payment Policy

A 50% deposit is required at the time of booking your rental, plus a $100.00 damage and cleaning deposit. The balance is due 24 hours prior to the rental date. All rentals are subject to a refundable $100 damage/ cleaning deposit which will be returned by Email Money Transfer (EMT) to the rentee within 48 hours after the
inspection by Bounce About to ensure no damage, missing items, or excessive cleaning is needed. Payment can be made to Bounce About by EMT or cash.

Installation of Equipment

All bouncy castles MUST be installed on FLAT, DRY GRASS surfaces. Under no circumstances can bouncy castles be installed on hard surfaces such as driveways, parking lots, etc. For safety, ground stakes MUST be installed to ensure that the castle does not lift from the surface or become displaced. Please refer to the detailed
instillation instructions found in your bouncy castle kit for instructions on how to set up. All other rental items must be installed as per the instructions provided with the rental item. For detailed instillation instructions and demo videos please visit our website Resource Centre if at any time during your rental you require assistance, please contact us.

Cleaning and Return of Equipment

All rental equipment must be returned to Bounce About in the condition that it was rented in. All our rental equipment is cleaned, inspected and ready for use when we provide it to you, and we request that it is returned in the same manner in order to ensure that your full damage and cleaning deposit is returned.
Please sweep out the castle of any grass, sand, or debris. Ensure that the Castle is DRY and aired out prior to packing into the storage container. Bouncy castles should always be kept DRY as they are not water compatible. Should bouncy castle require cleaning a damp cloth with water should be used to clean the bouncy castle. DO NOT USE ANY CHEMICALS OR DETERGENTS ON THE CANVAS. Bouncy castles that require cleaning or repair upon return will result in their damage and cleaning deposit not being returned.

Damage Policy

A fully refundable cleaning and damage fee is collected at the time of each booking. Within 48 hours of the return of the rental item, our team will inspect the rental items for any possible damage / excessive cleaning needs and advise if a deduction is to made from the damage deposit. In the unlikely event that the rental
item or parts are damaged beyond repair or forgotten / lost, the rentee shall be responsible for the full replacement value cost of the rental item as outlined in this agreement.

Rain/ Reschedule Policy

Bouncy Castles are NOT TO GET WET; this includes the rain. For this reason, we offer a Guaranteed Rental Reschedule for any of our rentals should there be rain in the forecast. If you would like to reschedule your date, please contact us with at least 24 hours notice to make alternative date arrangements. Alternatively, we
offer a money back guarantee if an alternate date cannot be arranged. Note that the rain policy reschedule ONLY APPLIES if the bouncy castle is not picked up and used for the original agreed upon date. Please note that if it rains during your event with a bouncy castle, it results in an immediate forfeit of your damage deposit.

Pick-up/ Drop and Delivery Policy

All our rentals are day rentals, unless otherwise stated in your contract. Our rental hours are between the hours of 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. To keep our costs affordable to our customers we offer a Pick-up and Drop off option to our customers. Our business is conducted out of our home located in Sutton. After confirmation of booking a detailed email will be sent to the rentee with detailed instructions on how the pickup and drop off process will work.
Please note that it is critical that drop off takes place ON TIME, so that next day rentals are not affected for any reason. Late rentals will result in an immediate forfeit of your Damage/Cleaning deposit, and additional rental fees will apply. For the convenience of our customers, we also offer delivery and pick up services. Please contact us for quotes on delivery fees outside of Georgina. Our delivery services includes setup and tear down of all rentals. Please ensure that someone is home at the time of delivery so that we can gain access to your power supply. Please also ensure that the bouncy castle is inflated at the time of pick up. Drop off deliveries are guaranteed to be set up by 9:00 a.m. and pick up will take place between the hours of 7:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m. Please note that most castles take approximately 30 minutes to set up and 45 minutes to tear down. The obstacle course takes 45 minutes to set up and 1.5 hours to tear down. Please ensure allotted time is arranged for someone to be home.

Late Policy

All of our rentals are between the hours of 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m for self pick up and 9:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. for delivery, unless otherwise stated in your contract. Should your rental be returned late, it will result in an immediate forfeit of your Damage and Cleaning Deposit. If at any point in time during your rental you wish to extend the hours, please contact us and we will do our best to accommodate your request based off rental availability.

Equipment Use Guidelines

The following guidelines should be followed for all bouncy castle rentals:

1. Bouncy Castles should NEVER be used in the rain or with water
2. Should the castle become wet (i.e. by unexpected rain) please ensure to dry it thoroughly before packing away. Packing a wet bouncy castle leads to canvas molding which can happen quickly.
3. Shoes must NEVER be worn on the bouncy castles
4. Socks are recommended to be worn for sanitary reasons
5. No food, drinks or toys should be brought onto the bouncy castles.
6. Jumper guidelines should be followed at all times as set out by the manufacturer (age, weight limits and capacity limits)
7. NO HORSE PLAY – bounce with your feet only
8. It is best if children of similar age and size bounce at the same time